Monday, November 21, 2011

Intro to the Blog

I've decided to start this blog as a place for me to throw out my naive ideas about how communities can work in a better way.  I often find myself in a conversation with friends where we will discuss ideas for new laws or government projects.  Inevitably we end up believing that none of them could work for some unforeseen reasons far above our heads.  We say things like "I'm sure it wouldn't make sense economically," or "tons of people have probably already thought of this and there's a good reason it hasn't happened."  But the one thing we've never done is search for the reasons why. 

So here I am, tell me why these ideas are impossible.  At the worst this will be a fun critical thinking exercise, and in my most optimistic fantasies I've thought maybe, just maybe we will find out that some of these proposals might actually work.

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